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Dandelion Fields


"An organization of professionals and recovery persons presenting to women and men pathways of forgiveness, acceptance and freedom through the study of God's Holy Word and 12 step programs."

Promise of Hope, Inc. for women opened its doors on May 3, 1999 and Promise of Hope, Inc. for men opened in 2011. Promise of Hope, Inc. is a faith-based organization offering assistance and biblical guidance to residents over the age of 18 suffering from the disease of addiction. The program in Dudley is set to house 24 women for a period of 12 months. The men's program in Cochran is set to house 24 residents for a period of 12 months. Extension can be granted, if desired by the resident and approved by the Advisory Board. Food, personal hygiene products, laundry, clothing (if needed), educational literature, paper products, transportation to church, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings, is provided by the ministry. The basic needs of our residents are much like anyone in a home setting. Bible study is offered twice a week and the residents attend church on Sunday, and AA and/or NA meetings week nights. In addition, they are taught living skills, educated on the nature of progression, the characteristics of chemical dependency, and co-dependency issues.
Promise of Hope, Inc. creates a safe and positive atmosphere for the residents; accountability to the rules and regulations of the program help to maintain this atmosphere. The residents are responsible to work together to complete chores, take turns cooking, and are responsible for the cleanliness of their personal bed area and laundry.
The program is one of structure, teaching the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Discipline and accountability for following the rules of the program are taught. The residents are instructed on the process of becoming honest and taught communication skills. These skills help them begin to identify their feelings, not to be afraid of them and how to deal with different personalities. All of this is focused on one-day-at-a-time.
In September of 1999 the organization became a member in good standing with Georgia Association of Recovery Residences. This accreditation states that the ministry provides appropriate services for individuals who suffer from chemical dependency.  As of January 2021, both campuses are THOR certified as well.


Macedonia Baptist Church
Dennis & Denise Dobbins

                                            Dublin Women’s Center 
Dr. Bill Moses Jr. 

Luis & Mary Beth Soto 
    Lunelle Watson 

Zuri & Brianna Ware

Dr. & Mrs. Monty Shuman
Mullis Centennial Farms
Deborah Russ
Bill & Cathy Coody

    Brook & Dustan Usry

    M&C Dental, LLC
    Hank Cullens

    Charlie & Glynda Smith

    George & Nancy (Colter) Russell

    Stephen & Angela Difazio

    William & Jimmie Roberts
    Pine Forest UMC
    Fran Leskosky
    Kelly Rogers
    Dale & Pam Bohannon


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