

My name is Sandy T, I am an addict. All my life I was addicted to more of anything that made me feel good. I would use people, alcohol, and drugs in hopes that I would feel better about myself. I never had much self-confidence or self-esteem. Using drugs made me fit in and feel apart of any situation I was in. So for 26 years I used something to make me feel "not normal".
Then Nov. 14, 2002, probation yanked me out of my situation and sent me to jail indefinatly. I agreed to 6 months in rehab, instead of a year in bootcamp. I THOUGHT rehab would be easier! So after 40 days in jail I was released to Promise of Hope. I rode a pink cloud for a while, but then the "looking at myself" began. This was difficult with all the shame and guilt that I had been carrying for years. No matter what I told them I had done, they loved me through it, until God could heal it.
Promise of Hope taught me how to live life on life's terms, one day at a time. Let go and let God have control of all areas of my life. Promise of Hope led me to a relationship with God that I never had before. I thought I had done to much and gone to far for God to care about me. Not realizing He loves me right where I'm at, and will meet me right where I'm at. They also introduced me to AA and NA that gave me a lot more tools that help me live life.
Even after completing the program, Promise of Hope continues to be a big part of my life. They offered aftercare and have given many volenteer opportunities to be a part of and give back what they gave me. It is in working with others that has kept me going and growing. I am forever grateful to Promise of Hope!

My name is Chance Strozier and I’m a grateful recovering addict. When I came to POH I was at the end of my rope. Everybody was done with me, I thought, everybody except God. Didn’t know his plan but I see now, he had one for me. My wife was done with all my self-induced chaos and voluntold me I needed long term treatment. I really thought I was too far gone to be helped and I had accepted that. She brought me to the men’s facility in January of 2018. My head was so turned around, I think it took me 2 months to realize where I was and what they wanted me to do. With time, I started seeing how God worked through the staff and soon realized they really cared. They were helping people like me with these horrible drug addictions, that had no idea how to stop. Not just focusing on addiction but being a father and husband, showing love, doing the next right thing, these were things I had no clue about. I had no connection with God at this point and that was nurtured and healed. We would have Bible studies and I remember reading “The parable of the lost sheep” and realizing God never turned away from me. I Thought he wanted nothing to do with me, boy was I wrong. I completed the program in December of 2018. With my t-shirt and certificate in tow, I left there with a new way to live that is with me everyday and I am so grateful for it. I don’t think I would ever have such an appreciation for how blessed I am without the help of POH. My family is closer than ever and I am present for every moment. The POH program is so much more to me than just the place that helped me get clean, it’s the place that saved me and everything I hold close in life. I know it’s all God that did this but I truly believe it was facilitated through the staff at Promise of Hope.

My life began in Newfoundland, Canada, where my father was enlisted in the Navy. We stayed in Canada for two years, and moved to Georgia once his enlistment was complete. Here my mother and father both attended college and my father earned his psychology degree and became an officer in the Air Force. This began our many travels as a family. These travels took us to Mississippi first. Looking back, my time here began my feelings of inadequacy. I was told by my teacher I needed to shape up or ship out. I really wasn't sure what she meant and had no idea what I needed to do to satisfy her demand. Being in a new school and environment, I wasn't sure how to make friends as I have always been shy and unsure of myself...continue reading

On September 12, 2011 I came to Promise of Hope broken and hopeless, thinking my life was over. I had destroyed every relationship in my life and had nowhere to go. Promise of Hope gave me a safe place to heal physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is here that I began to learn about how powerful my disease was and eventually find myself. I had been so manipulative and dishonest and played the victim for so long it had become the norm for me... continue reading

Hello my name is Scott Buckner and I'm an addict. Before coming to Promise of Hope my life was on a very destructive path. I often felt hopeless and doomed to never be able to stop using drugs. I had lost everything I held dear and pushed everyone that I loved away. I knew I needed help because I tried many times to stop using on my own but failed every time. I entered Promise of Hope on November 27, 2012 and did my best to stay open minded to their suggestions and as a result this rehab saved my life...continue reading

My name is Claire Philips, I have over three years in recovery, and Promise of Hope changed my life. I was born in Atlanta, GA and raised in a loving home, yet I thought it was dysfunctional. As a child I never felt like I quite fit in right with the world and I felt like something was wrong with me. I began using drugs and alcohol by age 12. From 12 to 23 I was on a pathway of destruction that eventually led to homelessness, incarceration, and hopelessness. Heroin had my soul and I was broken. Through my probation officer, I was led to Promise of Hope on August 16th, 2017. At first I was reluctant to stay, but over time my heart and mind became open to what they had to offer. I learned that addiction is a disease and not a moral deficiency while there. They loved me when I was incapable of loving myself, they challenged me to grow in ways I didn't think possible, they showed me a pathway to connect with my Higher Power, they gave me my hope and life back. Today I have a life, I have a relationship with my family, I have a relationship with God, and I know I am a child of light. Promise of Hope holds a special place in my heart and I am eternally grateful for the journey of life they helped to open for me.

My name is Brian T and I’m an addict. I was raised in a loving home, played sports growing up, and was always in church. However, for some reason, I never felt as though I fit in and was accepted. I found myself constantly trying to find acceptance from my peers by trying to be the funniest, the wildest, and the best at everything I did. I never had much self-confidence, so I tried to find my self-worth in girls and relationships with older friends. When I was 14 and hanging out with some guys from school much older than myself, I was faced with the opportunity to try marijuana for the first time. Of course, I jumped in headfirst, seeking their approval and trying to be accepted. This was the beginning of a horrible drug addiction that took so much from me that I was not prepared to give that night I smoked that first joint. Twenty-five years later, I was in the middle of a six-year battle with heroin.
I had been in and out of rehab about two dozen times, only to leave early and go right back to my addiction. I wouldn’t sit still long enough to listen to any suggestions because I knew all the answers before the question was even asked. I had been to detox so many times, the last time I rang the buzzer at the door to ask if they had any beds available, they didn’t say yes or no. Their response was, Brian, is that you? I am pretty sure everyone that knew me knew that I had a major problem before I did. As usual, I left early from detox and went to see my probation officer and thank God, she put me in jail for failing my drug screen.
I called Promise of Hope from the jail, thinking that I would be rescued. Boy was I thinking wrong. They cared enough and knew enough about the disease of addiction to know that the best thing for me was to sit where I was for some time. That was the beginning of me finding some willingness, open-mindedness, and honesty. Two months later, I was accepted to come back to Promise of Hope (for the third time) and to give this new way of life another chance.
Promise of Hope taught me so much about myself, about the disease of addiction, and how to live life just for today. They taught me how to find acceptance in everything and to surrender my will over to God’s will for my life, one day at a time. I began to develop a real relationship with God. They promised me that if I would start out my day on my knees in prayer asking Him to guide me, He wouldn’t lead me wrong. They were right!! I am so grateful for the life I have today and that is simply because of God doing His part in my life and POH for teaching me how to do my part. I am so very fortunate to have to opportunity to work here at Promise of Hope since the middle of 2020, to give back to others just as it was so freely given to me. I will forever be grateful to Promise of Hope!!!

My name is Chelsi and I am an addict.
I was raised in a Christian home and I was saved and baptized when I was old enough to decide for myself. I had a good childhood. We played outside a lot and we created and used our imaginations. We went on family vacations every year and had a good home life. I was around the age 14 when I first used. I wanted the excitement and rebellion. I started with Marijuana and drinking and soon graduated to cocaine and crack. I got pregnant at 16 and dropped out of high school. My daughter was born healthy and happy. After having my daughter I basically went wild. My family took care of her more and more until I barely saw her. I eventually relinquished my rights. The guilt and shame of abandoning my daughter drove me into a cycle of trying and using anything to stay numb. I got heavy into the bar scene and just about every drug known. This went on for years. I would go from job to job, man to man and state to state. I was wide open trying to find something to fill the void in my life, only to be left more empty, alone and miserable. After 24 years of drinking, using and being in and out of jail, multiple misdemeanors, and a DUI I was arrested in Georgia. I was 39 when I was arrested in Georgia for felony possession of methamphetamine. My family all agreed they would only get me out of jail if I agreed to get help. By the Grace of God I heard about Promise of Hope while I was in jail. I knew I wanted a faith based program and it had to be a serious and intense program for it to work for me. This was my first time asking for help and seeking treatment. I was dropped off at Promise of Hope on July 6th, 2018. And that is my clean date!! With the help of the staff at Promise of Hope I was able to finally let the fog clear. That was a process that took about 6 months. Once that began to happen I started trusting others and getting honest. Once I got honest I was able to ask God for forgiveness and begin the difficult journey of forgiving myself. I openly shared about all the feelings, emotions and dark secrets I had been repressing for so many years. I had finally begun to heal. What a relief!! I had begun to have a real relationship with God! My life and behaviors were changing. I began to grow. I attended church and Bible studies and 12 step meetings. I got a sponsor and began working the steps. I started to learn a whole new way to live. Amen! Promise of Hope gave me a firm foundation in Christ to begin my life as a new creation! I am beyond grateful for the tools I learned at Promise of Hope and the relationships that I have to this day with the women on staff and the women I was there with. I have been back to visit twice in the last year and will be attending the Promise of Hope retreat soon! On my last visit I was able to share my testimony with the women that live there and it was truly a blessing to me.
My life is completely different now because of God and my time at Promise of Hope! If I can do it so can You!
2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
Psalm 32:8 NLT
The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."